law Department
Established in 1997

Number of Staff
Number of Students
About the Department
The Department of Law was established in 1996, the year in which the Faculty of Alyarmok was founded, as one of the important departments of this faculty. renowned for the competence of its graduates and faculty. The department includes a distinguished group of professors holding Ph.D. degrees from reputable global universities, covering all branches of legal sciences in both public and private law.
The Law Department has graduated a blessed elite of students, totaling twenty-four batches as of the time of this report. These graduates have assumed significant positions in practical, administrative, and academic fields, serving as ambassadors of goodwill for the department and contributing greatly to their country through their invaluable services.
History, in its rightful course of recording both achievements and shortcomings, will acknowledge the significant contributions of the faculty of this department. Their dedication and sacred duty towards their department, starting by its establishment through its administration by the department heads and college deans, deserve both divine reward and heartfelt gratitude from all just observers.
Despite the adversities and challenges, including dire security conditions and other hardships known only to God, May God richly reward those who contributed to the administration and development of this department, and may He grant happiness in this life and the hereafter to its faculty, administrators, and students. May He increase the knowledge, enlightenment, and sincerity of all scholars, guiding those who seek wisdom. Indeed, He is the best protector and the best responder.